Teater Petra
Creative activities usually take place at the Jakarta Arts Center Taman Ismail Marzuki as part of the Festival Teater Jakarta. In 2022, Teater Petra was crowned as The Graduated Group of Festival Teater Jakarta because we had received the best group award for 3 (three) consecutive years. On January 26th 2022, Teater Petra was transformed into the Yayasan Teater Petra Jakarta with a decree from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Rossum's Universal Robots tells the haunting tale of a factory that replaces human workers with robots, in pursuit of a utopian ideal where humans are liberated from labor. Yet, when Helena Glory, a noble princess with a humanitarian heart, arrives at the factory, she challenges this cold, calculated vision. Her desire to imbue robots with a soul and love clashes with the factory’s directors, who see robots as soulless machines. As the story unfolds over a decade, the dream of a human heaven on earth twists into a dystopian reality, where armed robots, devoid of true humanity, threaten the very essence of human civilization.
Teater Petra’s powerful interpretation of this narrative will resonate deeply with DITP24’s exploration of the Post-Human condition, questioning the very future of humanity in a world dominated by technology.